Thursday 31 January 2008

The Lo-Fi

As soon as I get a house next year, I'm going to arrange a non-electricity party. It's basicly a party, but with no electricity, which means no lights, no music, no televison and no videogames. I imagine the reader scoffs at the very idea! However, there is a purity in not having any distractions, just enjoying the company of others into the wee hours, by candlelight.

So, no electricity, so what? It wouldn't be one of those rowdy, intoxicated parties, but instead a more laid-back, easy affair, like a gathering. With no electrics, it takes the body down to a simpler level, with candles for light, and fires to cook with, and simple instruments for entertainment.

It might be good, or it might be a waste of time. But, something new, eh?

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